Recent Hunting Recap


Recent Hunt

Well, our hunting season was good to Sierra Grande Outfitters, guides, staff and most of all, to our loyal clients.  We started off with a great antelope season, yet  were unable to harvest 4 buck antelope that were clearly larger than anything that we did harvest.  

Then off to our mule deer hunting!!  During our Regular Plains Rifle hunt, we harvested 7 big bucks, the average score was better than 192 gross Boone & Crockett.   The very first morning, Mr. Mike Snow harvested a giant 213″ non-typical on a day that temperatures reached the mid-80s.  The following days were  much colder, eventually turning into a blizzard and Mr. David Biggs harvested a giant typical followed by Mr. Edward Epperson harvesting another great non-typical.   On the last day of the first hunt with plenty of snow on the ground, Mr. Kirk Schwab  was successful in harvesting a very good typical.  

As we progressed into the second hunt, Mr. Hudson Gardner started by ball rolling by harvesting an exceptional non-typical.  Hudson make a great shot over 300 yards and on his second shot, connected to land this 14 year-old young man a supreme trophy mule deer!!  Mr. Gary Ogletree followed Hudson the next day by harvesting yet another good non-typical.  We went down to the last afternoon.  I was fortunate to guide Mr. Chris Woods.  The day was saved by one of our other guides, Mr. Jeremiah Waugh, and Chris ended a beautiful evening to harvest a great typical.    What a great Regular Plains season!  Many sincere thanks to all our clients, guides and staff!!

Not to be completely outdone, we followed up with 3 exceptional  weeks of archery mule deer hunts.  We actually harvested 4 bucks and our average score was right at 180 P&Y gross points.  We did wound 2 bucks that we never recovered or saw again and wounded 2 others that we watched chase does and actually hunted again.  Everyone had one or more shooting opportunities!

Congrats to Mr. Ron Siple,  Mr. Randy Weaver, Sr., Mr. Randy Weaver, Jr., and Mr. Dean Stevens on all your great archery skills and bucks!  It’s always a little tougher hunt with a bow and, furthermore, placing a good shot.  Mr. Randy Weaver, Sr.  harvested his buck at 74 yards!  His guide ,Mr. Bruce Tirey, and he sat  on the buck from noon until dark.  There was very little movement from the buck and no way to get in another shot.   They found him the next morning where apparently the buck stumbled off a cliff into a deep canyon as the photo shows.

One of the most amazing facts we had about this exceptional mule deer season was not just the big, mature deer we had to hunt, but the number of “up and coming”  bucks we photographed and put “off limits” this season so they can at least gain another year of growth.  We left numerous big, mature bucks as well the “up and comers” for next year.  I think we should be in for another exceptional year in 2020.  

Now it’s off to Sonora, MX where we are also expecting a very exceptional season south of the border, too!  (Photos to follow soon)

Happy Hunting to all and Happy New Year.

Book Now

We are now booking for Colorado fall of 2024. We also have limited openings in Sonora, MX for Mule Deer, Coues Deer, and Desert Big Horn Sheep. Booking now for 2024-25 season.